Monday, January 6, 2014

My New Year's Promise . . .

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy yourself, learn something new or get a new idea, and visit me again.
Long time since I last blogged!  I made myself a promise to blog weekly during 2014.  Notice I said “Promise”…  I don’t make resolutions as they are likely to be broken so this year I decided on coming up with just one word to help encourage me throughout this new year.  I read about this on Julie Fei Fan Balzer’s blog and thought I would give it a try.  I decided on COMPLETE.  Oh, I know if you read my FB page, you will see I chose another one, but I think this one suits me better.  Let’s see how this year goes with that one word in mind . . . COMPLETE.


Christmas was really busy around here as I know it was in everyone’s home.  I usually try to get too much done and get myself frustrated.  I seemed to be able this year not to be too frustrated and stressed and that’s a good thing. 


I follow Jennifer Jangles blog and she posted a really cute JOY wall hanging as one of her free Christmas projects.  It had my name written all over it.  I ended up making 6 and using them as gifts, but I could have made so many more as this little project was quite addicting.  On the first ones I made, I used Jennifer’s fabrics and the rest I used fabrics I purchased from Sewcial Studio located in Athens and owned by Anita Heady.  They were all beautiful!  This is a picture of one . . .




I quilted all of them differently and here’s some closeups of some of the stitches I used.




I also made several Snowmen Mug Rugs for presents.  The fabric came
from Sewcial Studio and the applique of the snowman came from a Nancy Halversen book.  Fun, quick, easy . . . what more could you ask for?
Got to stay warm tonight and tomorrow.  At the moment it is 18 degrees in Oconee County Georgia.  Tomorrow's prediction is for really frigid temperatures.  8 degrees when we wake up with a wind chill of somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 degrees below 0.  Oh my goodness, that seems to be knitting/sewing weather if only we do not lose power.


My next blog will be all about Selvages!  Another one of my favorite things.  Until then believe in yourself, create something, and have FUN!


  1. So excited that you plan to blog more this year. Looking forward to all your creative endeavors.

  2. I love your snowman placemat with the Winter's Lane pine boughs!
